正经创业项目,标准快消品动销工具+交易平台,已有意向客户。 现有启动资金和产品设计,诚寻软件架构师一名,有底薪和期权奖励。 要求:能设计软件架构和开发工作的分配,对各个工种的工作绩效进行评估和验收,并对产品的最终开发效果和安全负全责。 (上班一辈子不如创业一阵子,辛苦上班万二千,纳税开支无所剩,到头都是空一场。创业只需成一次,从此自由乐逍遥), 工作内容:根据业务需要设计软件架构,分解软件开发工作,根据软件开发需要招聘相应开发工程师,在试用期对相应人员工作能力做出是否满足项目需要的评估。对软件运行安全负全责。 职位要求:对软件开发工作经验丰富,能从全局需要设计软件产品的架构,满足未来一段时间的业务需要。对开发团队的人员招聘和管理做到张弛有度,能很好的完成公司计划的开发任务。 区域:成都地区
基于我们提供的UI框架,开发新的前端项目。 注: 1.UI框架:VUE或react 2.系统里面有完整的后端api对接,我们已经整理好API接口文档。 招募要求: 1.精通VUE或react或layui。 2.良好的代码习惯 3.有过相关案例
项目描述: 系统介绍:信息系统,由计算机硬件、网络和通信设备、计算机软件、信息资源、信息用户和规章制度组成的以处理信息流为目的的人机一体化系统。主要有五个基本功能,即对信息的输入、存储、处理、输出和控制。 项目任务:只需要完成信息系统前端功能、界面模块的开发。 要求:只要深圳的外包
1. 开发Android基座,内嵌H5页面; 2. 满足H5部分页面需要Android原生功能支持的对接; 3. 方便长期合作,可支持后续功能开发,版本更新打包这些工作。 以上这些需求,每次按照具体需求评估费用。
安卓开发工程师 工作职责 1. 负责公司 Android 项目的架构设计、方案制定,保证项目研发进度和关键结果落地; 2. 根据产品需求完成需求分析、模块设计、编码、真机测试等研发工作,交付高质量的代码; 3. 提升移动端整体工程效率和质量,规范制定以及技术文档的产出,参与 DevOps 建设; 4. 参与业务需求讨论,功能定义等; 5. 跟进新技术发展,持续关注现有应用的调整和优化; 任职要求 1. 本科及以上学历,计算机、通信、电子等相关专业; 2. 5 年以上的 Android 设计及开发经验,有多个完整的 Android 项目经验。至少主导过一个完整的应用框架搭建、技术选型、关键开发、软件上架流程; 3. 熟悉 Android SDK、对 Android 应用结构有深刻的认识,具备出色的调试知识、经验和技能; 4. 有 DAU20 万以上或 PV 2000 万以上产品经验,处理过大并发量; 5. 思维活跃,热爱钻研业界新技术,对安卓前沿技术有较强的敏感性; 6. 有网赚类 APP、广告 SDK、APP 保活相关经验优先;
欧洲二手奢侈品电商公司招聘后端Api接口开发工程师,需要中英双语能正常沟通,同事都在国外所以可以远程工作。薪资和工作时长均可谈,由于是远程工作所以工作所在地没有严格限制,但是最好在上海。 重要:中英文必须能流利沟通,公司同事基本上都是外国人! 以下是英文职位介绍: Luxclusif is a tech and data-driven B2B platform that enables both the sale and acquisition of second hand luxury goods to/from auctions, retailers, ecommerce platforms and stores worldwide. Luxclusif business models rely on efficient integrations and smooth business processes across our network of Supply & Demand partners. With a network of over 50+ integrations across marketplaces, suppliers, buyback partners, and logistical providers - including Vestiaire Collective, Luxottica, Farfetch, DHL to name a few - processes, interactions, and integrations at our core. Our company is fully global distributed across Manila, Tokyo, Porto, and Tallinn. Discovering new cultures and time-zones, are part of the perks. You will: ● Contribute to the development of our Platform and the evolution of our Core Business Tools; ● Start, from scratch, a distributed, message driven platform to connect sellers and buyers; ● Stay up to speed with all backend and web technologies, software architecture principles and design patterns; ● Apply your knowledge on performance and security measures; ● Being able to work in an Agile environment, focusing on delivery/commitment and software continuous improvement; ● Work with some of the following technologies: Redis, .NET, Message Bus, Relational DBs You are: ● An experienced object oriented languages programmer (.NET is a plus) ● Knowledgeable in unit tests and/or integration tests ● Knowledgeable in SQL language and experience using relational databases ● Knowledgeable in REST APIs ● Knowledgeable in distributed system and its caveats ● Experience in NoSQL databases and SOA architecture is a plus ● Experience in messaging brokers is a plus ● A professional with experience working with Agile methodologies is also a plus ● A good communicator, capable of working with multiple cultures ● Team player You value: ● Ambitious challenges and building your own opportunities. ● Seeing your work having a direct impact on the company results. ● Global environment with flexible working hours and locations. ● Transparent leadership communication. ● Excellence in delivering. ● Autonomy, accountability, and high performance. ● Being measured by outcomes.
我们是一家欧洲的B2B二手奢侈品电商平台,现在正在寻找合适的产品经理人选,协助我们的海外团队对接国内的合作伙伴及供应商,沟通传达双方在软件技术方面的需求。 中英文必须能流利沟通,日常对接的同事和客户有很大一部分是外国人。最好是在上海,方便和国内其他同事以及合作伙伴面对面工作对接。 以下是英文的职位介绍: Luxclusif is looking for a Senior Product Manager (B2B Marketplace) to join our Product Team. Luxclusif operates inside a multi-sided network of partners consisting of buyers, suppliers, and demand channels. To efficiently enable all of our partners, we are building the platform to support the interactions of the pre-owned industry. The B2B Marketplace plays a central piece in our product line, and is at the heart of our platform. Working together with a squad of engineers, designers, and analysts, you’ll be able to shape and deliver the products that will be the foundations of our company, both revamping our current ways of working as paving the way for new partners to call our platform a home to grow their business. You’ll have the mission to drive our core business to the next level, while building the foundations for future product teams to be created inside our company. Our company is fully global distributed across Manila, Tokyo, Porto, and Tallinn. Discovering new cultures and time-zones, are part of the perks. You will: ● Shape a new product line working closely with your Product Development team, and with the support Head of Product & Head of Technology. ● Transform our current operations and processes into newly built tech products. ● Be the gatekeeper of the vision, strategy, and progress of the product line to the overall company. ● Own a roadmap for the B2B Marketplace product line, transforming ideas into solutions and deliverables. ● Interface with our Partners to ensure our ideas and products are fulfilling their needs. ● Measure and assess the impact of your product line with small experiments. ● Keep up with market trends to understand how our product strategy should be affected by what is happening outside our company. ● Work together with our tech teams, business analysts, and internal departments to ensure dependencies are well communicated and coordinated. ● Document and showcase the value of your product, acting as the owner of your own tech-line ● Provide ideas on how we should expand our processes and ways of working. You are: ● Product Manager, Business Analyst, or Operations Manager with 4+ years experience. ● Proven track record of managing or delivering complex projects, products, or initiatives. ● Experienced with tech-enabled products inside retail, e-commerce, trading, fashion, or integrations. ● Able to transform a tech strategy to a go-to-market strategy with structured pitches and value propositions. ● Passionate about tech-enabled services, business logics, and system architecture. ● Experienced with Product practices as Roadmapping, Product Documents, Backlog Management. ● Experienced with business mapping and process design. ● Enthusiastic about creating and sharing your outputs. ● Excellent communicator (verbal and written) capable of showcasing your ideas in compelling ways to different audiences. ● Comfortable in leading meetings with different audiences (from luxury partner leadership teams to your own team). You value: ● Ambitious challenges and building your own opportunities. ● Seeing your work having a direct impact on the company results. ● Global environment with flexible working hours and locations. ● Transparent leadership communication. ● Excellence in delivering. ● Autonomy, accountability, and high performance. ● Being measured by outcomes.
1,微信小程序(零食,食品销售) 2,今年3月以来微信支付功能被关闭,申诉了4次,腾讯回复依旧是:维持原判,理由:涉嫌未开放品类 3,我们里外找了很多技术排查产品,前端后端,都认为没有什么违规的,但就是无法申诉成功 4,特此寻求一位经验丰富的产品经理,帮我们排查解惑
前端模仿熊猫模板网(LOGO和名字就叫先锋敢死队) 后端是2套管理系统,1是管理模板网的 2个管理系统淘宝订单的 以上只是大概的描述功能,更多细微的功能和细节自行决定 均用fastadmin框架开发,逻辑和文件要分明,上传的文件可以自定义批量DIY换服务器地址也可以存本地服务器我淘宝买的源码一大堆Bug 熊猫模板网https://www.tukuppt.com/ 其他的需求图片没办法上传附件
安卓app开发,包括商家(多个自营商家),厂家,买家,运营商这些常规商城的功能。 需要安卓工程师,后台开发,如果有UI原型支持更好。其他功能和商城功能很类似的,发货,收货,退换货,配送、积分、活动啥的。
- 需要您根据专业经验,从seo和ppc两个主要维度,分析品牌后台数据并提供关键发现; - 需要您根据品牌过往表现、行业整体表现、和您的百度平台专业经验,提出针对该品牌的百度ppc和seo相应策略洞察
discuz.chat开源产品加相亲功能: 现有开源产品discuz.chat,需要加相亲功能。 React,Next.js,php,laravel. 熟开源产品,熟后端开发,熟相亲行业最佳。 近期时间相对比较多。
1、小程序端UI高保真设计,负责个人中心+发布部分,预计去重后30个页面(重复页面只做其中1个),计划1周内完成,sketch来做,产品的主体结构类似58同城、贝壳,偏向于信息展示,没有复杂交互 2、有专门的产品经理负责讲解,自己有设计师可以负责把控主色调等 3、有完整产品原型,平台拉群后可以发送查看 4、小程序端做完还有PC端可以做但先不计入本次评估,平时项目较多,寻求长期合作,南京本地能见个面的更好,外地全程远程也行,希望能提供合适的小程序、网站、APP的设计案例。如果案例丰富平台合作得多,预算可谈。
一、需求描述 从视频流中检测出特定目标,触发抓拍。 二、参考产品 公路车辆抓拍系统 三、人才需求 1. 精通视频流检测技术 2. 熟悉海康、大华等主流摄像头,可基于原厂SDK二次开发 3. 熟悉RTSP等视频流协议 4. 有成功的相关项目经验 四、其它要求 每周坐班一次,其它远程 最终部署时要出差 项目周期约1个月
【开发要求】 1.符合团队分布式微服务架构设计理念 2.符合团队代码设计和编写规范 3.编写规范设计文档 【项目需求】 1.基于UE5进行整体项目重构: 架构设计和搭建; 2.基础框架的设计和搭建; 3.业务模块设计和搭建; 4.通讯模块设计和搭建 5.数据资源模块设计和搭建 6.交互功能模块设计和搭建 项目周期: 4-6周 交付标准: 与技术团队详细沟通 【岗位背景】 1.5年以上C++游戏开发经验,3年以上UE4游戏引擎开发经验; 2.熟悉UE4项目架构设计和搭建 3.熟悉游戏引擎底层框架,拥有多年游戏引擎框架研发经验; 4.熟悉UE4图像渲染引擎框架和UE4渲染性能优化; 5.熟悉计算机图像技术,具有基于OpenGL或DirectX的3D图像优化经验; 6.有丰富的游戏高性能交互开发经验; 7.精通数据结构和算法,关注代码质量和性能优化; 8.熟悉分布式微服务架构,有架构设计搭建经验; 9.逻辑思维清晰严禁,学习能力强,善于在技术领域内深度钻研; 10.有广阔的技术视野,对新技术有强烈的好奇心和探索的兴趣; 11.具有良好的团队协同和沟通能力; 12.用有大型游戏设计和开发经验者优先。
【岗位背景】 1.3年以上UE4主美设计工作经验 2.熟练掌握3DS MAX三维建模软件; 3.精通UnrealEngine4美术后期、灯光、阴影、材质等系统模块; 4.熟悉美术资源、场景性能分析方法 5.熟悉PBR材质和光照原理 6.熟悉UnrealEngine4 RTX实时渲染技术 7.有丰富的基于UnrealEngine4室内场景搭建设计经验,可以搭建出高质量的场景效果和氛围; 【项目需求】 1.针对团队UE4室内场景项目,在美术层面进行: 2.高质量的美术资源素材优化策略的设计、规划和落地。 3.高质量的场景效果优化策略的设计、规划以及实施落地。 4.实现室内场景整体效果2-4倍的提升。 5.同时要控制场景渲染性能的损耗。
工作职责:完成公司官网PC、手机官网静态页面 工作周期:4—7天内完成,工作日白天可工作优先。 技术要求:熟悉HTML5,CSS3,熟悉运用React和Vue前端框架,掌握组件、状态管理、插件等工具使用。
一、需求描述: 1.项目背景 系统主要模式是通过为幼儿园提供英语外教在线教育服务,幼儿园可通过app购买直播课程,上完课程后通知家长下载家长app完成课后作业。家长在app上除开课后作业查看之外,也可在家长端app购买私教课程。 2.角色说明:老师端:默认英文,支持中文翻译(可跟谷歌翻译),老师端主要是进行课程资料查看、排课查看及报价 3.对接要求:声网灵动课堂直播 4、交互地址: https://lanhuapp.com/url/wfczF 密码: 0iFk 5、做交互里的老师端和观看端